(i) a new tool to forecast pharmaceutical compounds control in urban activated sludge WWTPs;

(ii) a new tool for a wise monitoring based on bulk parameters, antimicrobial resistance biomarkers and key contaminants of emerging concern;

(iii) a new tool to establish water quality-based effluent discharge limits, based on the available dilution ratio and WWTP performance;

(iv) a portfolio of resource-efficient operational measures and strategies for improving the performance of activated-sludge systems and tertiary ozonation for advanced treatment/disinfection, validated at full-scale, e.g. by benchmarking full-scale treatment lines of activated sludge processes;

(v) a new strategic planning tool and

(vi) a Guide of best practices.  

These outputs will support the water utilities of urban wastewater treatment in the selection and prioritization of strategies and investments on the short, medium and long runs towards an enhanced integrated control of regulated contaminants (organic matter, nutrients), pharmaceuticals and antimicrobial resistance, and where/when direct or indirect reuse is envisaged, pathogen indicators (E. coli as bacteria indicators, coliphages as viruses indicators and Clostridium perfringens spores as protozoa indicators).