LIFE Fitting networking with ongoing EU and national projects on related topics:
B-WaterSmart is a H2020 project submitted to the call “CE-SC5-04-2019 – Building a water-smart economy and society” by ARC (European Water Research Institutes) and funded by the EC in 15 M€. It enroles 35 EU partners, is coordinated by IWW (Germany) and is structured in 8 Work Packages. WP1 – “Co-create & demonstrate systemic innovation in six living labs” is coordinated by LNEC. It is grounded on 6 living labs in 6 EU cities or regions: Alicante (Spain), Bodø (Norway), East Frisia (Germany), Flandres (Belgium), Lisboa (Portugal) and Venice (Italy). LNEC is the scientific mentor of the Lisbon Living Lab.
It is a 4-year project, running from September 2020 to August 2024. Smart water management is the general common topic for networking with LIFE Fitting, particularly (i) water reuse (addressed in 5 out of the 6 B-Water Smart Living Labs), (ii) the control of contaminants of emerging concern by ozonation and other processes in T2.4.1 pilot in the Lisbon LL, (iii) water-smartness assessment and strategic planning.